Efficiency Rating For Recurring Homes.

Efficiency Rating For Recurring Homes.


The Efficiency Rating is a crucial performance metric for our technicians, specifically applied to recurring home cleaning tasks. This rating is calculated as the ratio of the total estimated time (allowed hours) for a job to the actual time spent completing it. Each recurring customer is allocated a set number of allowed hours, reflecting the estimated time to finish the cleaning task. Achieving a high Efficiency Rating not only boosts a technician's potential wages and average hourly rate but also contributes to a balanced work-life.

  • Applicability: The Efficiency Rating exclusively applies to recurring customers on weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedules. It does not apply to Top To Bottom cleanings, single cleanings, or on-demand cleanings.
  • Objective: The primary goal is to complete cleaning jobs within or faster than the allowed hours.

Key Benefits:

  1. Increased potential wages.
  2. Higher average hourly rate.
  3. Better work-life balance.

Technicians can improve their Efficiency Rating by completing more jobs in less than the allowed time. This metric is always accessible in the employee's Maid Central profile.


Efficiency Milestones for Onboarding Technicians.

For onboarding technicians the following efficiency milestones are in place and start during the 2nd week of work when the technician starts solo cleaning:


1. Beginner Rating– Week 2: Achieve 80% efficiency, only surpassing the time by about 45 minutes per job.

  • Example: 
    • Allowed Time for Job: 3 hours.
    • Actual Time Taken: 3 hours and 45 minutes.
    • Here, the technician takes longer than the allowed time, leading to an efficiency of 80%

2. Improving Starter – Week 3 to week 7: Reach and maintain 85% efficiency, surpassing the time by only around 30 minutes per job.

  • Example: 
    • Allowed Time for Job: Assume 3 hours.
    • Actual Time Taken: 3 hours and 30 minutes.
    • Here, the technician takes 30 longer than the allowed time, leading to an efficiency of 85%

3. Momentum– 2 months: Attain 90% efficiency, only surpassing the time by around 15 minutes per job.

  • Example: 
    • Allowed Time for Job: Assume 3 hours.
    • Actual Time Taken: 3 hours and 15 minutes.
    • Here, the tech takes only 15 minutes more than the three assigned hours, leading to an efficiency of 92%!

4. Rising Star – 3 months: Hit 95% efficiency, completing jobs within the allowed hours.

  • Example: 
    • Allowed Time for Job: Assume 3 hours.
    • Actual Time Taken: 3 hours or less.
    • Here, the technician completes the job within the allowed time, which could be exactly 3 hours or less, leading to an efficiency of 95% or more.
    • If completed exactly in 3 hours, the efficiency is 100%


Beginners Rewards Program

To recognize and incentivize onboarding employees for meeting and exceeding efficiency goals, a point-based reward system has been established. Points will be awarded based on the employee's efficiency rating.


  • 50 points after the second week being at least 80% Efficiency.
  • 50 points after the third week being at least 85% Efficiency.
  • 100 points after 2 month being minimum 90% Efficiency.
  • 200 points after 3 months being minimum 95% Efficiency.


Efficiency Standards for Graduated Nesting Period Technicians (After 3 Months).


For established technicians the following efficiency metrics will be in place:

  1. Back to Basics: Below 89.9% Efficiency.
  2. Efficient Performer: Between 90% - 94.9% Recurring Cleaning Efficiency.
  3. Efficient Star: Between 95% - 99.9% Recurring Cleaning Efficiency.
  4. Elite Pro: 100% or higher efficiency, consistently finishing jobs under the allowed hours.


Monthly Automate Motivate Points Reward.


  • Efficient Star =75 points =$90 annually 
  • Elite Efficiency Pro = 150 points = $180 annually + spin every quarter with a pin


Addressing Inefficiency in Performance.

Phase 1: Back to Basics- One month Improvement Plan.


  • Shadowing & Mentorship with Training Manager: Engage in a dedicated day of learning and practice with the Training Manager, focusing on 'Speed Cleaning Techniques'. This includes a thorough review and application of the 13 speed cleaning rules, coupled with personalized mentorship to enhance efficiency.
    • One time training session- this cannot be done multiple times
    • Hourly rate training – the technician receiving the mentorship session will be paid $14 an hour during the session with the training manager
    • Rewatch Speed cleaning video & take quiz with employee


  • Time Goal Reporting: Technicians are required to monitor and record their time spent at each job site, aligning with established speed cleaning time goals. This report should be submitted for review at the following link: Time Goal Report.


  • Weekly Feedback Sessions: Technicians will have scheduled weekly check-ins with their managers to discuss progress, address challenges, and strategize on further improvement methods.


Phase 2: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).


  • Setting Milestone Efficiency Goals: The Field Manager will outline specific efficiency milestones within the PIP, focusing on targeted areas of improvement.

Efficiency Exemption Policy.


TTB Cleaning Specialists & Health Accommodations:


  • Exemption for TTB Cleaning Specialists: As the primary responsibility of TTB Cleaning Specialists is focused on TTB cleanings, they are not subject to the standard recurring cleaning efficiency ratings. However, attainment of the 'Efficient Star' level is a prerequisite for promotion within this role.


  • Health-Related Performance Accommodations: Employees experiencing health-related issues that affect or that could affect their performance speed / efficiency rating should request an accommodation.. For more information on how to request an accommodation, please see the accommodation policy, or reach out to Human Resources regarding your possible need for an accommodation. As indicated in the accommodation policy, the Company may ask for documentation supporting your need for an accommodation. 
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