Recruiting A Players AND Building a Growth Culture

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Screening Interview

Phase 1 : You are looking to eliminate all non-A-players (results and skills) and filtering (attributes and
culture) candidates quickly. Hit the GONG fast. Only 10-20% should pass the screening test

Are you available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM? Do you have a driver license and your own vehicle insured?




Most of our clients are pet owners. Do you have any concerns about working around cats or dogs? This role involves driving to two or three different homes daily and managing traffic. How do you feel about this?




Help me get to know you just a bit, what are you doing currently and what are some of your career goals going forward?/How do you see yourself 5 years from now in your career?




From 1 to 10 how would you rate your luck? From 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest




Based on what you read online and in the booklet what part of this job do you feel it would be the most challenging for you?




Tell me what you know about us and what value you think you’d bring to our team. Why do you want this job?




Team Work:

Can you give me an example when you had to deal with a difficult coworker and customer?





Can you provide an example of a time when you made a mistake and what was the specific action you took and the end results?

Tell me about a time when you received feedback on your work. How did you respond?





Can you describe a situation at work where you had to work under pressure or stress? What was the action you took and the end result? Describe a time when you had to adapt to unexpected changes at work?





Describe a situation where you had to follow to strict guidelines or standards. How did you ensure compliance?





Can you give an example of a time when you improved a process to make it more efficient?





Can you describe a time when you had to help a client or colleague in need?




Self Driven/Clever:

Describe a time when you had to solve a difficult problem at work. How did you approach it?
Describe a scenario where you had to learn a new skill or technology on your own to accomplish a task. How did you go about it? checking on compassion and team player




Speed and Efficiency:

"Can you provide an example of a time when you had to complete tasks under a tight deadline? How did you ensure the quality of your work was not compromised?"





Can you give me an example when you had to build rapport with new clients or colleagues?




2nd Phase of interview questions:

30 mins in person with the hiring manager.  It’s “Shark Tank” ?me. They either present well and have the right answers or they don’t.  Trust your gut and don’t settle for “maybe.” Only a “HELL YES!” advances.

Job History Questions

Go through the last 3-5 jobs they have had and ask the questions below.



Job 1:
What were you hired to do?
What accomplishments are most proud of?
What were some low points during that job?
Who were the people you worked with, specifically?
Why did you leave the job?
Go through the last 3-5 jobs they have had and ask the questions below.



Job 2:
What were you hired to do?
What accomplishments are most proud of?
What were some low points during that job?
Who were the people you worked with, specifically?
Why did you leave the job?



Job 3:
What were you hired to do?
What accomplishments are most proud of?
What were some low points during that job?
Who were the people you worked with, specifically?
Why did you leave the job?



3rd Phase Sell, Scare, Sell 

Objective: Set expectations and assess alignment with company culture and mission.

Sell Phase:

Based on your previous experiences, it's clear you have a strong work ethic and skills. How do you see your skills contributing to our company's mission and culture?"




Sell Phase:

Introduction and Compliments:

" Your experience at ____________ shows a strong track record. What do you feel is your greatest achievement in your career so far?"





High Expectations:

"This role can be demanding, with high expectations for quality, speed, and a strong dedication to excellence. How do you typically handle challenging situations or work under pressure?"


SELL Phase

Mission and Impact:

The mission of Detail Cleaning Services is to enhance lives one cleaning at a time.

We provide free cleaning services to cancer patients, families with kids with Autism, and Veterans. We also focus on offering the best wages in our industry in our area, great benefits such as matching 401k and healthcare coverage and a good work-life balance for all our employees. We want everyone to enhance their lives with our services.
